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Showing posts from August, 2017

Pray A While For Me

Today was a day I took time to pause! Without the promise of tomorrow how can any of us afford to be complacent?  Take time to love on someone less fortunate than you!  Take time to give back to someone in need.  Never forget that had it not been for the Grace of God, you too would be without!           Everything we have is because of His blessings! The people we cross paths with every day, He knew we would interact with them..... It's important that we not miss an opportunity to smile or speak. I had the chance to share my testimony this summer on a Missions trip my husband and I Co-Chaperoned. During that morning devotion, I was so heavily burdened and emotionally fought my way through speaking. I knew what I had to share was relevant. I firmly believe the trials I faced and battles I fought are scars that could help students!  It was then, in that moment that I realized how I am where I am today....  I should not be a Pastor's Wife ! That wasn't where my F