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Showing posts from July, 2012

First Do No Harm...

"If you are a parent, recognize that it is the most important calling and rewarding challenge you have. What you do every day, what you say and how you act, will do more to shape the future of America than any other factor." -Marion Wright Edelman Wow, what a powerful & true quote. Be kind. Be understanding. Be compassionate. Be soft. Be patient. Be wise. Trust me when I say I'm preaching to myself!! It's so easy to say "Seriously? Are you kidding me? You didn't really just do that! One more time and you're getting a spanking." Next time before you react to something your child has done or is doing, remember they're a child and they are still learning. Remember that how you treat them is how they are going to learn to treat others. Wow, that in itself is a huge responsibility. Remind them what they should've done and remind them of whatever consequence you have decided appropriate. A Mother's job is never finished and we wear ma

Embrace Your Season

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, ‘til it seems you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe It is our human instinct to fight when something we love is being threatened. Something we want is out of reach, or we come to a crossroads and we love what lies ahead on both. There comes a time when we have to close a chapter and start writing a new one. The important thing we often forget is to keep the chapter closed. You can't reopen the past it almost always explodes in your face! This quote is wise and wonderful but the Bible says something just as powerful "After you've done all you can just stand." "Hold on don't ever let go, though the hills are hard to climb, looking for peace of mind." "Be still and know that I am God" "Cast all your cares upon Jesus" I could go on and on! We all know th

Strap 'Em Up Girl!

I am willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain! Each day may bring a new trail... What is it they say "New level, New devil"! Trust me I've had my share & probably been through more things than you can imagine, but it's what you do with those experiences & how you channel that energy that will make you who you are. God called me a long time ago to serve in ministry & now almost 10 years later I can remember the feeling I had when I received it b/c minutes later the exact word was confirmed through a minister. Sometimes the road gets rough but I know that as long as I've got Jesus I don't need anybody else. I'm totally sold out to his kingdom & though I have children, Im going to keep truckin' I know it makes it more tedious & requires me to manage my time differently, but just like any working mom, I don't have to stay on "leave" for 18 yrs. Its time & I'm ready now to be an example to my