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Showing posts from July, 2014

True Love Never Fails

I spent my morning in prayer and reflection. I realize that there are days when you are surround by thousands of people yet you are surviving on your own. We allow our head to clog with the struggles of day to day life.... Sometimes, we just need to have a little talk with Jesus! He is our safe haven! The one we can bare our soul to and yet He will still hold you close with a comforting presence and be your best friend. Sometimes, we have to learn the hard way that we can't always share our feelings, vent, have a different opinion, be transparent, or just talk freely with anyone but Jesus!  The carnal flesh of people causes them to judge you, or come down on you when you have a bad day and need to talk/vent.  Having a bad day doesn't make you a bad person.  I also heard a preacher say:  "Just because we have a different opinion or don't agree doesn't mean I hate you."  Be careful how you react to someone that you don't agree with! Your actions could hurt t