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Showing posts from October, 2014

Great Read For Wives

I've never posted from another blog before but I felt this blog needed to be shared. I am a young Pastor's Wife and I have watched over the past 5 years as many in my generation have fallen pray to the tricks of the enemy which has led to the destruction of their ministries.... Why not be proactive? We know that when the Devil launches attack he aims for the gut punch! We have to fight for our family harder than we have before! Be constantly in the spirit of prayer and follow God's will as closely as you can. It's well known that certain women are drawn to men in power. Society tells us girls that value the sanctity of marriage; we're old fashion and need to change with the times. "It's just flirting, there's nothing wrong with that"... I can assure you that flirting with a married man no matter what day and age it is only makes you look desperate, weak and following a path of destruction that only the Devil would lead you down. I usually