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Showing posts from 2016

Inspirational Parenting

If we aren't careful, one day we wake up and realize all the time we've lost! Our days are filled with errands, laundry, returning emails, meetings, carlines, homework, sports, dinner and bath time. Before you know it, we are in bed and mentally preparing for the next day..... Wait! We forgot family time! We forgot to stop and give our kid a high five for that hard earned award..... We were too busy fussing about their room that has been in turmoil since Spring! If you haven't guessed I'm describing a day in my life which probably looks very similar to yours. I have boys so, we have lots of mess but I'm really ok with that because it inspires creativity. I love sitting down to build legos and make plato creations. Before you know it, they won't want me anywhere near their room so I'm learning to take time, forget about the laundry and imagine with them. My baby turned 5 today! Can you believe it? I feel like yesterday I brought him home from the Hospit


Oh the splendor of Fall! So majestic and bold are the colors of change brought to us each year! My favorite time of year is Fall! I remember as a little girl, I would go into my Memaw's yard and gather the leaves that were falling and put them under a piece of paper and color over the veins! It made beautiful art and I would display them all over the house! Fall brings on fresh hope and new beginnings. "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall." -F. Scott Fitzgerald Fall is particularly special for me because it gave me both of my children. Out of no coincidence have I nicknamed them "Pumpkin" and "Peanut". They love the adventures we embark on during these months. On this first day of September, I began to reflect on my year. There has been much change happen which is not bad. Change can be difficult and we sometimes fight it but often it brings fresh perspective and motivation. Each of my children are experiencing an ele

Darkness before Dawn

We all reach points in our life when we wonder what's next?? It's so important when you reach this pivotal point that you look to the sky and keep God in the complete center of your plans. My Pastor preached such a shaking message on Sunday where he reminded us that our plans may not be God's plans. If we continue moving forward with our personal ambitions without Jesus at the center of it all, we WILL fail! My point is, just because you are in what you consider a "rut" doesn't mean you aren't on the path God wants you. Even if this is the hardest season you've ever experienced and you hurt more than you ever thought you could; all you have to do is completely give your all to Him who knows all. Sometimes we assume just because we are having a hard time that God is out to get us. That's never the case! We are children of God and many times it is our own choices that put us in the spot we are. God may be setting you up for a blessing and we

The Toothbrush Encounter

"Home is where your husband is" .... This isn't just a quote that looks good on paper so we pin it to our LOVE board on Pinterest. I'm afraid that we live such digital lives that we don't really know who we are when we aren't staring at a screen. Do you ever look back at the quotes you share or the pins you save? Are you the same person on the world wide web as you are in reality? I absolutely love cards and love notes! I have to be mindful to follow through with my promises of love and happiness or my husband won't enjoy receiving my cards. I keep every card we exchange and every now and then I go to my "Love Box" and read what we've said to each other and it reignites a challenge in my soul to be better. I know without a doubt that God gave my husband to me so I want to make sure that I cherish him the way I am suppose to. I often remind myself of my vow from my wedding day. I didn't vow to love and cherish him only on

Happy Mother's Day

Don't forget to have fun and enjoy the adventure!! Being a Mom is one of the greatest Ministries God has bestowed upon women. As a mom we have the ability to shape and mold the next generation to be good and uphold tradition. It's up to us to teach them how to be proper gentlemen and polished little ladies. We hold that heavy responsibility in our hands!  I owe so much of who I am to my Mom. As I'm sure we all do! So, as Lumiere was explaining to Belle in the beloved Fairy Tale "Beauty & The Beast" , when you have the responsibility to serve and you don't it's very stressful. I will say as a mom who strives to do everything 24/7 it's unnerving to put unrealistic expectations on yourself as well. I've heard it said " we should give 99% of ourself to our children and that other 1% is for us. " It's ok for a Mom to get something for herself or take time for her. Don't feel guilty Mama when you make it about you that 1% of the tim

No Pain, No Gain

The hardest part of recovery is the pain.....  Pain comes in many forms and usually we just adapt. Eventually, it gets better and in some cases it completely resolves itself. You know the saying "No pain, No gain" ....... This term I'm pretty sure was coined through work outs and sports. However, it can be applied to our personal pain as well. If you fight through the pain you will gain strength and find a fighter deep inside that you never knew existed. I have decided to use my pain to help someone else through there pain. I was 17 when I first felt the pain of losing someone I loved. Not just anyone but my brother; my best friend . It wasn't like we had any easy life to begin with but we had each other always. The day I walked through the door to see his lifeless body on the table is a day that has been forever branded in my mind. Watching our Mom weather this storm was probably the most indescribable circumstance I've ever been a part of. If I dwell in

There is always beauty in the journey

4 years ago my husband & I lived in a loft apartment with a 5 month old and a 4 year old and started Pastoring...... Somewhere in the static, I blinked and here we are! Becoming a Pastor's Wife is one of the most rewarding jobs I could have ever ask for. My children have never know another life. It was a priority high on our list to make them part of the process. It can be common for a Pastor's Kid (pk) to eventually resent ministry because they feel it took their place. I have many wonderful women in my life that I glean from. The most recent lesson I have learned is, to let my children have ownership of the church by letting them be a part of praying for anyone in the church.  My oldest is naturally sensitive and he picks up on people hurting. We have really nurtured that quality in him and when he asks if someone is ok? I always tell him "We never truly know what a person deals with in their mind but we can always pray for them." Days later, I find him

The Young Minister's Wife, So Harshly Judged

A life lesson I had to learn the hard way was: IT'S OK TO SAY "NO" I am not backslid or a stuck up snob if I can't attend every Ladies Meeting and Youth Event in Georgia. At the stage of life I'm in, I have 2 small boys who need and deserve the majority of my time. Not to mention I am a Pastor's Wife/Music Director. They always come first and that sometimes means I have to decline an invitation.  It's unfortunate that it is said "She uses her kids as a crutch" or "She isn't in the altar praying for everyone, she's just in the back socializing" If you could really understand what a Ministers Wife with small children truly has to conquer in order to just be at an event we would give them gold stars and nothing but praise every chance we get.  I don't think we should walk on egg shells or take on more than we can handle because we are afraid of what everyone else thinks about us sitting with our children instea
Happy 2016 ! I have been tunnel visioned since Thanksgiving but now I am sitting down to take time to do what I love.... Write! I love diving into the pages of a book and I love even more expressing my heart using my blog. My husband and I were surrounded by family, friends and love during the Holiday season. It certainly brings your priorities into perspective! What amazing things do you have planned for this year? I know we are in the second week already and this is my first blog! I am turning 30 which is probably the pinnacle of my year!!! I'm not sure why it is so hard for me? I am struggling, which makes most people laugh. My husband turned 30 and went Skydiving! Me, I feel like I am on a downward slope into depression. I'm losing my youth! I'm not dramatic at all right? That being said... my baby starts KINDERGARTEN !! Where does the time go? Well, I also have my 10 year anniversary with the man who is still the love of my life. He has made my life a