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Showing posts from December, 2012

December Madness

I have neglected my blog this month due to the busy life I lead! So here it goes in a nut shell... I hosted my first Directors & Ministers Dinner for FTC as the First Lady and it was a huge success! We were able to connect with everyone and brainstorm new ideas for 2013! I was the main speaker for Faith Tabernacles 16th annual Ladies Christmas Tea. The theme was "No Room" and we focused on how often times in life we make room for everything but Jesus. That was a humbling and rewarding experience. Of course there was gobs of family time and lots of crazy wild shopping with my mother in law but I managed to remind my children who are only 5 and 1 of the importance and blessings of Christmas. My husband & I took our son to a local community center to pass out toys & food to needy families and it was so fulfilling to watch his little hands do what they could to contribute! We also allowed him to adopt angels from a homeless shelter and give them things they need like