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Showing posts from August, 2012

Your story starts today

"All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney We are in total control of our destiny. What you do with opportunities and how you react could be the thing that defines you. Your life is a unique book with intense chapters that tell an amazing story! I've learned that being still and silent is sometimes the best thing you can do. When we chose to "speak our mind" or not be silent, we hurt those around us almost always. Consistency can sometimes be hard when you are trying to change who you naturally are! It's normal to change and sometimes you change differently from those around you and that's ok! It's not easy to be courageous because you don't always know your outcome. Fight and dig deep to find the courage to be happy and follow your dreams, in the end it's always worth it. Only you know where you want to be and what you want your life to say of you. Be confident to share your dreams with those around

Roller Coasterrs & Super Powers

I hate that I've been so busy to post!! We are going into week 3 of K4 & I'm just now writing about it! Since school started Corban fractured his tibia which has sent me on a wild roller coaster! I so far have managed him loving the "boot" by telling him it gave him super powers.... I hear him ever now & them pointing to Logan saying " activate freeze power... Activate spidy web" Whatever works right?!? He is loving K4 & doing wonderful, I can't wait to start volunteering & spending time at the school. See you soon with more updates about my busy family!