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Showing posts from February, 2014

I'm A Child Of The King

Don't accept your trial or situation! When we are given bad news, ultimatums or can't see a way out of where we are. We should start praying "God, I don't know what You're doing here or what the outcome will be. I do trust and know that You are in control and I will be positive and confident that You are working this out for Your good."  You see, we can't see God's big plan but I can assure you His will is not for His people to live a miserable life. Stop complaining and start praying! That will immediately change your situation.  God is not going to take you from somewhere that you give more praise to than Him!! Tell your mountain to be thou removed & declare that you are a child of the King!  When we are sick, need a job, can't pay our bills, having marital problems or just down in our spirit, we can't expect change until we stop complaining about it to everyone and get on our knees!  If I don't like where I'm at I'm sure not