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Showing posts from 2014

Count It All Joy

Every year we come to the special season when we give thanks. We share gifts.  We bake sweet treats. We simply love and have compassion on those who are less fortunate.  I would be lying to you if I said I did not enjoy receiving because we all take pleasure in opening a gift or getting a compliment. However.... How much better does it feel to give those gifts and compliments ? It is truly rewarding! When we say Jesus is the reason  for the season, we mean more than  "it's the time we celebrate His birth."  It means; this is a special time for us to let His light shine.  It's a time for us to give without expectation of receiving.  It's a time to spread his love & cheer.  Many times a simple act of kindness is all a person needs to open their heart to God. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV) There is perhaps no time we should be more diligen

Great Read For Wives

I've never posted from another blog before but I felt this blog needed to be shared. I am a young Pastor's Wife and I have watched over the past 5 years as many in my generation have fallen pray to the tricks of the enemy which has led to the destruction of their ministries.... Why not be proactive? We know that when the Devil launches attack he aims for the gut punch! We have to fight for our family harder than we have before! Be constantly in the spirit of prayer and follow God's will as closely as you can. It's well known that certain women are drawn to men in power. Society tells us girls that value the sanctity of marriage; we're old fashion and need to change with the times. "It's just flirting, there's nothing wrong with that"... I can assure you that flirting with a married man no matter what day and age it is only makes you look desperate, weak and following a path of destruction that only the Devil would lead you down. I usually

Praise Him Anyways

The words of this songs spoke so deeply to my spirit today! There are times we just give up because we feel lost and alone. Greater is He that is within me! When you're up against a wall and your mountain seems so tall And you realize that life's not always fair You can run away and hide, let the old man decide or you can change your circumstances with a prayer. When everything falls apart praise His name. When you have a broken heart raise your hands and say Lord, You're all I need, You're everything to me and He'll take the pain away. When it seem you're all alone praise His name. When you feel you can't go on just raise your hands and say, Greater is He that is within me and you can praise the hurt away if you'll just praise His name You can overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of your testimony You'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow.

A Day To Pray - A Day To Refocus

" I Get On My Knees" There are days when I feel the best of me is ready to begin Then they're days when I feel i'm letting go and soaring on the wind Cause i've learned in laughter or in pain how to survive I get on my knees, I get on my knees There I am before the love that changes me See I don't know how but there's power when i'm on my knees I can be in a crowd or by myself or almost anywhere When I feel there's a need to talk with God, he is Emmanuel When I close my eyes, no darkness there There's only light I get on my knees, I get on my knees There I am before the love that changes me See I don't know how but there's power in the blue skies, in the midnight When i'm on my knees There is a sweet presence I feel every time I hear this song. I was able to relate and let these words heal a broken place at a young age. Even now if I need to be reminded that I have a friend who will love at all times and never let me down... I can l

True Love Never Fails

I spent my morning in prayer and reflection. I realize that there are days when you are surround by thousands of people yet you are surviving on your own. We allow our head to clog with the struggles of day to day life.... Sometimes, we just need to have a little talk with Jesus! He is our safe haven! The one we can bare our soul to and yet He will still hold you close with a comforting presence and be your best friend. Sometimes, we have to learn the hard way that we can't always share our feelings, vent, have a different opinion, be transparent, or just talk freely with anyone but Jesus!  The carnal flesh of people causes them to judge you, or come down on you when you have a bad day and need to talk/vent.  Having a bad day doesn't make you a bad person.  I also heard a preacher say:  "Just because we have a different opinion or don't agree doesn't mean I hate you."  Be careful how you react to someone that you don't agree with! Your actions could hurt t

Keep Calm And Mommy On

Keep Calm And Mommy On On Mother's Day, I give honor to my husband and 2 boys... Without them I wouldn't be a mom!! They make me who I am and give me reason to do what I do! The best way I can think of to describe what happened to my life almost 7 years ago is miraculous & magical. Everyday hasn't been easy but I wouldn't trade one moment!  " My home is filled with toys and has fingerprints on everything. It's never quiet and my hair is usually a mess. I'm always tired but there is always love and laughter here. In twenty years my children won't remember my house or my hair but they will remember the time we spent together and the love they felt. Your children only get one childhood so make it a good one". -Author Unknown In your children's eyes you are the center of the universe!  So, don't be too hard on your self, your kids think you're amazing! I want to be a mom that my children see as selfless. I want to focus more on them and

Respect Your Elders

"Respect Your Elders" is a phrase most of us grew up hearing on a daily basis. I know I did!! It's really not a confusing statement or one that takes much explanation. However, I think somewhere along the way we stopped teaching it and stopped applying it. This phrase does not only apply to children! You know I've learned in my short life that an "elder" is not a really old person, barely moving with one foot in the grave, but an elder is anyone over you, teaching you and yes those that are older than you. I don't mean a 14 year old telling a 6 year old what to do or using the word "elder" as a power play. This is what says; Elder: 1. Of great age; older. 2. Of higher rank; senior. 3. Pertaining to former times. 4. An influential member of a tribe or community, a superior. Now, even will tell you "Much that was forbidden by "elder" custom is accepted today"! Now that is for a whole


This past weekend was packed with family, friends, worship, fun and praise! I thank God everyday that He died on a cross for a wretch like me. I am thankful for the knowledge of truth. I know that I giant creepy bunny was not the one who carried a cross, endured persecution, and died all for me, but it was my savior and King! We have to be so careful during these Holidays not to breed the commercialized characters but teach our children the true meanings. Don't get me wrong I play into the baskets, hunting eggs, stockings, Christmas trees, Easter Bunny & Santa b/c it's fun and I love watching my kids face light up when I tell them this fantasized story and then they get a cool gift/candy after! My fear is that we as a society growing further and further away from God will put all the fun in front of the reality. Please, don't forget to teach your children the true meaning of Christmas and Easter! Remind yourself daily that He died so that we could have life &

I'm A Child Of The King

Don't accept your trial or situation! When we are given bad news, ultimatums or can't see a way out of where we are. We should start praying "God, I don't know what You're doing here or what the outcome will be. I do trust and know that You are in control and I will be positive and confident that You are working this out for Your good."  You see, we can't see God's big plan but I can assure you His will is not for His people to live a miserable life. Stop complaining and start praying! That will immediately change your situation.  God is not going to take you from somewhere that you give more praise to than Him!! Tell your mountain to be thou removed & declare that you are a child of the King!  When we are sick, need a job, can't pay our bills, having marital problems or just down in our spirit, we can't expect change until we stop complaining about it to everyone and get on our knees!  If I don't like where I'm at I'm sure not

Logan's FIRST Snow

Wow!!! Georgia winter storm 2014 has been a wammy!!! My kids are terrorizing each other and you would think we are never home because they are slowly losing it trapped in the house..... And it hasn't even been 24 hours lol!! Logan is 2 and this is his first snow experience!! It was a huge success! I know many people around me are trapped or stuck and maybe haven't seen their family yet so instead of a beautiful blessing this snow is a horrible nightmare! We've had lots of home cookin going on, games, cleaning and loads of family fun! Logan was completely exhausted last night from playing, he couldn't stop looking out the front door! I can say my snow experience was complete by my husband tackling me in the snow!! Seriously?!? Yes! He did and then he made up for it by being an awesome fun dad with the boys! I hope your snow day has been as magical as mine! 


"Think" If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but think you can't, It's almost certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you're lost, For out in the world we find  Success begins with a fellow's will; It's all in the state of the mind. If you think you're outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise. You've just got to be sure of yourself. Before you can win the prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But sooner or later the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can.                         -Author Unknown This poem speaks to me in such a real way as I'm sure it does most of you. As a woman it's so natural to compare and judge ourselfves to others around us but the very real truth is that God made each of us in His image so there is no room to be insecure.  Wake up everyday with a fresh inspiration and be confiden


There is a scrIpture that we quote every service at Faith Tabernacle,  "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again."(Luke 6:38) We've had countless testimonies of Gods blessings as our church has continued giving even when they didn't have it. There is a basic understanding that if we give no matter if it's through our finances, time, talent etc that God will bless your efforts. I read the entire chapter of Luke 6 today and I realized we sacrifice so many blessings because of our behavior or how we choose to manage our time. "But love your enemies, and do them good, and lend, never despairing; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be sons of the Most High: for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil. Be ye merciful, even as your Father is merciful. And judge not, and ye shall not be judged: and condemn


"Thinking Happiness" Think of the things that make you happy, Not the things that make you sad; Think of the fine and true in mankind, Not its sordid side and bad; Think of the blessings that surround you, Not the ones that are denied; Think of the virtues of your friendships, Not the weak and faulty side; Think of the gains you've made in business, Not the losses you've incurred; Think of the good of you that's spoken,  Not some cruel, hostile word; Think of the days of health and pleasure, Not the days of woe and pain; Think of the days alive with sunshine, Not the dismal days of rain; Think of the hopes that lie before you,  Not the waste that lies behind; Think of the treasures you have gathered, Not the ones you've failed to find; Think of the service you may render, Not of serving self alone; Think of the happiness of others, And in this you'll find your own!                                                 -Robert E. Farley