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Showing posts from January, 2016

The Young Minister's Wife, So Harshly Judged

A life lesson I had to learn the hard way was: IT'S OK TO SAY "NO" I am not backslid or a stuck up snob if I can't attend every Ladies Meeting and Youth Event in Georgia. At the stage of life I'm in, I have 2 small boys who need and deserve the majority of my time. Not to mention I am a Pastor's Wife/Music Director. They always come first and that sometimes means I have to decline an invitation.  It's unfortunate that it is said "She uses her kids as a crutch" or "She isn't in the altar praying for everyone, she's just in the back socializing" If you could really understand what a Ministers Wife with small children truly has to conquer in order to just be at an event we would give them gold stars and nothing but praise every chance we get.  I don't think we should walk on egg shells or take on more than we can handle because we are afraid of what everyone else thinks about us sitting with our children instea
Happy 2016 ! I have been tunnel visioned since Thanksgiving but now I am sitting down to take time to do what I love.... Write! I love diving into the pages of a book and I love even more expressing my heart using my blog. My husband and I were surrounded by family, friends and love during the Holiday season. It certainly brings your priorities into perspective! What amazing things do you have planned for this year? I know we are in the second week already and this is my first blog! I am turning 30 which is probably the pinnacle of my year!!! I'm not sure why it is so hard for me? I am struggling, which makes most people laugh. My husband turned 30 and went Skydiving! Me, I feel like I am on a downward slope into depression. I'm losing my youth! I'm not dramatic at all right? That being said... my baby starts KINDERGARTEN !! Where does the time go? Well, I also have my 10 year anniversary with the man who is still the love of my life. He has made my life a