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Showing posts from May, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Don't forget to have fun and enjoy the adventure!! Being a Mom is one of the greatest Ministries God has bestowed upon women. As a mom we have the ability to shape and mold the next generation to be good and uphold tradition. It's up to us to teach them how to be proper gentlemen and polished little ladies. We hold that heavy responsibility in our hands!  I owe so much of who I am to my Mom. As I'm sure we all do! So, as Lumiere was explaining to Belle in the beloved Fairy Tale "Beauty & The Beast" , when you have the responsibility to serve and you don't it's very stressful. I will say as a mom who strives to do everything 24/7 it's unnerving to put unrealistic expectations on yourself as well. I've heard it said " we should give 99% of ourself to our children and that other 1% is for us. " It's ok for a Mom to get something for herself or take time for her. Don't feel guilty Mama when you make it about you that 1% of the tim