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Showing posts from April, 2014

Respect Your Elders

"Respect Your Elders" is a phrase most of us grew up hearing on a daily basis. I know I did!! It's really not a confusing statement or one that takes much explanation. However, I think somewhere along the way we stopped teaching it and stopped applying it. This phrase does not only apply to children! You know I've learned in my short life that an "elder" is not a really old person, barely moving with one foot in the grave, but an elder is anyone over you, teaching you and yes those that are older than you. I don't mean a 14 year old telling a 6 year old what to do or using the word "elder" as a power play. This is what says; Elder: 1. Of great age; older. 2. Of higher rank; senior. 3. Pertaining to former times. 4. An influential member of a tribe or community, a superior. Now, even will tell you "Much that was forbidden by "elder" custom is accepted today"! Now that is for a whole


This past weekend was packed with family, friends, worship, fun and praise! I thank God everyday that He died on a cross for a wretch like me. I am thankful for the knowledge of truth. I know that I giant creepy bunny was not the one who carried a cross, endured persecution, and died all for me, but it was my savior and King! We have to be so careful during these Holidays not to breed the commercialized characters but teach our children the true meanings. Don't get me wrong I play into the baskets, hunting eggs, stockings, Christmas trees, Easter Bunny & Santa b/c it's fun and I love watching my kids face light up when I tell them this fantasized story and then they get a cool gift/candy after! My fear is that we as a society growing further and further away from God will put all the fun in front of the reality. Please, don't forget to teach your children the true meaning of Christmas and Easter! Remind yourself daily that He died so that we could have life &