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Showing posts from 2012

December Madness

I have neglected my blog this month due to the busy life I lead! So here it goes in a nut shell... I hosted my first Directors & Ministers Dinner for FTC as the First Lady and it was a huge success! We were able to connect with everyone and brainstorm new ideas for 2013! I was the main speaker for Faith Tabernacles 16th annual Ladies Christmas Tea. The theme was "No Room" and we focused on how often times in life we make room for everything but Jesus. That was a humbling and rewarding experience. Of course there was gobs of family time and lots of crazy wild shopping with my mother in law but I managed to remind my children who are only 5 and 1 of the importance and blessings of Christmas. My husband & I took our son to a local community center to pass out toys & food to needy families and it was so fulfilling to watch his little hands do what they could to contribute! We also allowed him to adopt angels from a homeless shelter and give them things they need like

Family First

I love being the queen bee to my fabulous boys! There is something so fulfilling about knowing you are #1 for not just 1, but 3 guys :) Of course those 3 guys are my husband and 2 sons! I had you sweating for a second right?! My family is fabulous and I wouldn't trade 1 minute of it to be with anyone else or do anything else. My life is complete and each day we add a page our story and trust me it would be a #1 Top Seller making me millions! I don't need money, a mansion or things to be happy! I just need my 1 and only Michael whom no man could ever replace & my 2 boys who make life worth living! I am rich with happiness and for that I thank God daily! I am blessed, grateful & thankful for my fabulous life!

Faith Fest 2012

 Faith Fest was designed to keep our children off the streets on Halloween and provide a safe/fun environment for families. Most children innocently view Halloween as an opportunity to score insane amounts of candy... FOR FREE! The unfortunate truth is that Halloween is not just dressing up as your favorite character and getting candy, but yet another opportunity for the world to corrupt our children with blood, gore, witches, vampires and zombies! We can never be too careful about what or who we expose our children to. Halloween is definitely one experience I'm ok with my kids not having because they surely aren't missing out on anything :) I think we took Corban out one time and all 3 of us were a nervous wreck! I thank God for the people at Faith Tabernacle that were mindful enough of these things to bind together and form an event that is completely centered around God and family! As I've stated in past blogs, outreach is a huge part of my life, my family and Faith Ta

The Bigger Picture

After finishing our neighborhood outreach for Faith Fest 2012 yesterday I was beyond encouraged! My total focus was on our community and reaching out to get them to our local church. There were only a few of us but we were all committed to the cause and because of that I believe our efforts will be blessed and we will begin to see results! It's so easy to get our priorities out of balance and forget the mission. We often go through the motions every church service and it becomes routine. Never forget why we are here! Always put God first after all He is the one we aim to please! It's not about the music, outlines, schedules and perfection! It's about reaching people and showing them the one true living God. I am so tired of the same routine and I personally want to take time to reach the lost and dying world! I have a refueled passion and enthusiasm for outreach and in my opinion next to the preached word of God it is the most important area of the church. What is the c

Forgive, it's that easy!

Forgiveness is simple... Yet we make it so complex! In our mind we can understand that by forgiving someone or something we are in control & no longer give that emotion, person, or situation power over our life! However, our fleshly stubbornness prevents us from freedom! I heard a brave woman tell her story recently and for 20 years she allowed bitterness, shame, guilt, anger & the inability to forgive control her life. It was when she finally decided to let go and deal with her anger and forgive her perpetrator that she could live in happiness. This woman in my opinion had every right to detest her offender but no matter how serious the offense, without forgiveness the offended will live in bondage. Now, if a woman can forgive a man of rape; a humiliating, shameful, degrading, violent crime. Why is it not possible to forgive someone for having a loose tongue, being rude, correcting your child, gossip etc? Life is too short to give anyone so much power over your life th

The Power of Prayer

"If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and will heal their land" II Chronicles 7:14 This scripture is branded in my mind! As a child of God how can I not have a relationship with Him? I am going to quote an excerpt from a book I'm reading: "There is a sleeping giant in a lot of our homes, and the result is frustration, confusion, lack of victory, and general irritations. If we could learn the enormous force of power and victory that comes by praying each day, it would wipe away a lot of nasty tempers, gossipy tongues, heartaches, and broken dreams. There would be fused into our hearts and homes new goals, visions, dreams, and accomplishments. God wants to answer our prayers. He is waiting with thousands of angels to do our bidding" -Joy Haney Pray! When everything falls apart- Pray! When everything is perfect-Pray! Whe

I will not withhold

As parents we are constantly telling our children to do their best. Do your best in school. Do your best on your chores. Do your best in sports. Do your best on your appearance but when was the last time we pushed our children to do their best and achieve a higher success in church? I would rather watch my children sing in church, play instruments, teach, clean, preach etc. then I would watch them play sports in school, take every stressful AP class, or anything else that would take them away from doing Gods work. There is a song that says "if my sacrifice is less than giving you my very best help me remember Calvary's cost and be willing to say yes" I vow to myself, my husband, my children & my church to give all I have to give to God. Sacrifice is giving freely for the sake of something else. Our mission is bigger than "me"! We live in a "me society" and we are breeding our children to be that way when in fact we should be showing them how

Time Flies

Life happens so fast, in the blink of an eye what you thought would take forever is already over! One year ago today I was blessed with my second child, Logan. He is a ball of energy, looks just like his daddy & almost always carries a smile. Corban was instantly an awesome big brother & in no uncertain terms lives being "the teacher"! My family is complete with all my boys :) I am so excited to cherish every moment of life making memories with my kids! A year went so fast & he grew like a weed! So I say congrats to Logan for so many milestones this year & hooray to start another journey which is certain to be full of scrapes, bumps & bruises! HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY LOGAN!

To Be In Love

Tonight- I wanted to share a few verses. It's so easy to forget who God wants us to be. The world & all of its problems quickly consume our lives causing us to lose focus. Wake up each day with the reality that we are all children of God. He will never leave us or forsake us & He will always supply our every need! I only want to be like Jesus & though I daily fail, I will strive my best to love upon principal. Kindness is love in action & kindness always wins. When you negatively lash out at someone or something you only wound yourself. Love is saying of yourself, I don't have to always have my way. It's saying I want to be selfless (as much as I can) and put others first. Love is being considerate of everyone around. When the phrase "What Would Jesus Do?" was coined I'm sure they meant it to be taken seriously. So, I ask myself and you... Do you take it seriously? Romans 12:1-21 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,

Happy Monday

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8 KJV) Starting and finishing your day living this verse brings great joy! Why waste time on thinking on anything but what's good. Most times there is little we can do to change the bad or negative things in the world so spend your time dwelling on Godly things that better your life!

Take It Down A Notch!

This is something I have told my 4 year old so much that he now says it! Today I had some free time thanks yo my wonderful sister in law! My husband & I are attending a wedding this afternoon so my boys are chilling with Aunt Nille :) We've all been battling a nasty stomach virus at my house so I took advantage of my free time & started sanitizing! After cleaning I came down to the square with my husband to enjoy our beautiful community. It's not often that I'm able to sit on the benches out here under these massive magnolia trees! So, today I decided to practice what I preach & take it down a notch! You should give it a try, it's good for the soul!! Much Love, Denisha

Your story starts today

"All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney We are in total control of our destiny. What you do with opportunities and how you react could be the thing that defines you. Your life is a unique book with intense chapters that tell an amazing story! I've learned that being still and silent is sometimes the best thing you can do. When we chose to "speak our mind" or not be silent, we hurt those around us almost always. Consistency can sometimes be hard when you are trying to change who you naturally are! It's normal to change and sometimes you change differently from those around you and that's ok! It's not easy to be courageous because you don't always know your outcome. Fight and dig deep to find the courage to be happy and follow your dreams, in the end it's always worth it. Only you know where you want to be and what you want your life to say of you. Be confident to share your dreams with those around

Roller Coasterrs & Super Powers

I hate that I've been so busy to post!! We are going into week 3 of K4 & I'm just now writing about it! Since school started Corban fractured his tibia which has sent me on a wild roller coaster! I so far have managed him loving the "boot" by telling him it gave him super powers.... I hear him ever now & them pointing to Logan saying " activate freeze power... Activate spidy web" Whatever works right?!? He is loving K4 & doing wonderful, I can't wait to start volunteering & spending time at the school. See you soon with more updates about my busy family!

First Do No Harm...

"If you are a parent, recognize that it is the most important calling and rewarding challenge you have. What you do every day, what you say and how you act, will do more to shape the future of America than any other factor." -Marion Wright Edelman Wow, what a powerful & true quote. Be kind. Be understanding. Be compassionate. Be soft. Be patient. Be wise. Trust me when I say I'm preaching to myself!! It's so easy to say "Seriously? Are you kidding me? You didn't really just do that! One more time and you're getting a spanking." Next time before you react to something your child has done or is doing, remember they're a child and they are still learning. Remember that how you treat them is how they are going to learn to treat others. Wow, that in itself is a huge responsibility. Remind them what they should've done and remind them of whatever consequence you have decided appropriate. A Mother's job is never finished and we wear ma

Embrace Your Season

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, ‘til it seems you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe It is our human instinct to fight when something we love is being threatened. Something we want is out of reach, or we come to a crossroads and we love what lies ahead on both. There comes a time when we have to close a chapter and start writing a new one. The important thing we often forget is to keep the chapter closed. You can't reopen the past it almost always explodes in your face! This quote is wise and wonderful but the Bible says something just as powerful "After you've done all you can just stand." "Hold on don't ever let go, though the hills are hard to climb, looking for peace of mind." "Be still and know that I am God" "Cast all your cares upon Jesus" I could go on and on! We all know th

Strap 'Em Up Girl!

I am willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain! Each day may bring a new trail... What is it they say "New level, New devil"! Trust me I've had my share & probably been through more things than you can imagine, but it's what you do with those experiences & how you channel that energy that will make you who you are. God called me a long time ago to serve in ministry & now almost 10 years later I can remember the feeling I had when I received it b/c minutes later the exact word was confirmed through a minister. Sometimes the road gets rough but I know that as long as I've got Jesus I don't need anybody else. I'm totally sold out to his kingdom & though I have children, Im going to keep truckin' I know it makes it more tedious & requires me to manage my time differently, but just like any working mom, I don't have to stay on "leave" for 18 yrs. Its time & I'm ready now to be an example to my

To Be A Pillar

It's easy to be weak but it's hard to be strong! What do you want your life to say about you? "The wise woman builds not only for herself but for those who follow along behind her." -Joy Haney You have to confidently know that God will fulfill every promise he has every made to you & trust that it will happen in his timing. It's when we get impatient and want it our way that we become weak and fall short. God has called each of us to be a servant in his kingdom and sometimes we get caught up and forget its not about me or you! Its always about the kingdom, you can't serve people and bring them to the kingdom without being a people person or without being about His business! If the world can't see Jesus in you and through you why would they want it? Sometimes by being still and silent you are standing tall & speaking loud! It is ignorant and careless to share every thought and opinion that we have. Think before you speak, blog, tweet or text!!

Good Talk Son...

So, while I was giving Corban a bath he told me that he wasn't scared of Jesus anymore & I was of course blown away that he would ever be scared in the first place, but reassured him that Jesus loved him very much. He says "great I love him too"! I could see that his little mind was running a million miles a minute... He has been with Shoutin' Shannon Peacock all day so of course he was curious about all he's learned! As he was getting dressed, he told me that Jesus was on his tongue & he was going to give him the Holy Ghost tomorrow when he woke up! Now, even if tomorrow isn't Gods timing, I am so grateful that the process clicked in his little mind! It's so amazing to see a child understand Gods love! I am so thankful for passionate Children's Ministers & Workers that invest in my child's spiritual future.

Two Hearts That Beat As One

I hate to write a cheesy, mushy, lovey-dovey blog..... No wait actually I LOVE IT!! I married the most dashingly handsome man 6 years ago! He was my first love and I fall deeper in love everyday, or maybe I should say he has been and will always be my only love. I have never experienced a passionate love for anyone else because he has given me more than I even thought it ever was. He provides all I need and more. He cares for me in ways I never thought possible. Michael Patterson is the very epitome of a husband, he's my best friend and my partner. We haven't long been on our newest journey and we are blessed with every continued step! He is the most amazing father to my boys! Corban loves going to work with daddy and I know Logan will too. I love watching Corban pray because I know that's his daddy coming out in him! I catch him preaching to his stuffed animals sometimes or even Logan :) After a busy day of meetings, visitations, errands etc. he comes home to p

K3 From My World

Corban stepped out of his comfort zone & away from mommy the day he walked into K3! I was so nervous for all the changes he would be facing during the year, the biggest being a new baby brother! He exceeded my expectations & completed K3 last week. He has grown so much not only academically but also personally. I love Corban with every fiber of my being & I'm so proud of him & every accomplishment! We hope to have a fun packed Summer before venturing into a new school in the Fall!

Norma's Promise

Norma McCulough White is a very special woman.... She is a fighter, she is strong. She is a mother, she is gentle. She is compassionate & caring. Much like the rest of her family she has a heart of gold and would give you the shirt from her back even if it was all she had. I am blessed to call her family! When I met my husband, I was introduced to some of the most genuinely kind people I had ever met & now they are my family too. Norma has inspired me to be a better person, she has inspired me to look on things that truly matter and at the end of the day that's family! Norma is a name that is familiar to most people I know because for months I have asked everyone I knew to pray for her. Norma was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer sometime in February I think. I will never forget my mother in law telling me at the airport after Ashton's wedding. I never once through this remember Norma showing an ounce of fear or doubt that she wasn't going to overcome! My mother in la

Priceless Gems

I had a fantastic Mother's Day! I know this is a bit late but I wanted to share what I talked to our church about on Sunday... Mothers are the unsung heroes of modern society. Spending hours of selfless time they devote their lives to the health and happiness of their children. -Ulysses Brave Being a mother is both tough and rewarding, it is definitely a 24/7 job! It can sometimes be hard to find the perfect balance but then again motherhood is the endless search for balance and stillness, rarely achieved. The term "super mom" is often used and I never really understood it until I became a mother and was given the super natural ability to fix dinner, start bath water, answer the phone, play a game & hug my husband all in the same moment. A Super Mom can be the good cop & the bad cop, she can pick her child's voice out of a sea of "mommy's", she is a teacher, nurse, chef, contractor & artist & if somewhere in the middle of doing all th

The Special Times

It's always worth it to take time for your family! I have recently learned with such a busy schedule how truly important it is to make time for family! Corban & I had a mommy/buddy day on Friday & Saturday! It was so refreshing!! I love my boys & my husband & I will work twice as hard everyday to make time for just us! Enjoy your week!


Say what you mean and mean what you say! Do what you intend and intend what you do! I am constantly amazed at the world and it's power to mold a person! We are all given the opportunity to have God mold our life and he has all the power, but we do not always lean on him when we should. Sometimes we use the excuse "I had to get it off my chest" or "I just needed someone to talk to" or "that's just me, you'll get use to it"..... These are the times we should talk to God before anyone. God will check your spirit & it will ensure you don't say or write anything you may later regret. It's not worth it to have these excuses if it truly hurts someone or in any way negatively affects their spirit.  I for one have learned more in the past 5 years than in my entire life. You may receive forgiveness for something but you can never erase the damage it does. Why do we risk hurting someone or altering their relationship with not only us but God?


Faith Tabernacle started reading Luke 6:38 every service before we receive the offering sometime in 2011. For those of you not familiar with this scripture it says; "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:38 KJV)" What a verse & what a promise that God has given us! He daily blesses me yet I find myself complaining & feeling stressed! I know we all do it but the next time you find yourself stressed or complaining of all you don't have, think of all that you do have & start with thanking him for another day of life! Today I opened my Georgia Power Bill & went to get my checkbook when I noticed the stub showed my amount due was "$0.00" so me being a bit negative (yes I know you've never been there) :) I called & the representative says "yes ma'

A NEW Look For A NEW Me

So, I was recently blogging only about my boys but about 6 months ago My husband & I started to transition into a new chapter of our life! I thought how awesome would it be if I used my blog to not only share my boys with you, but share my entire life which is very fast paced (thank goodness for mobile blogger)!! I will be continuously updating as I'm in the building stages of this new blog page. I hope I can have many followers & reach your heart with my words.  Last year was a crazy whirlwind in my life. My 4 year old started pre k & a month later we had a new baby boy... Logan who proves to be more & more like his daddy (hyper) every day! Then in November my husband who was serving as the District Youth Secretary & Pastoral Assistant to his Grandfather at Faith Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church, told me we would be voted on as Pastor of the church! My husbands grandfather (Dr. J.A. Patterson) began Faith Tabernacle Church in Conyers 31 years ago so y