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Showing posts from October, 2012

The Bigger Picture

After finishing our neighborhood outreach for Faith Fest 2012 yesterday I was beyond encouraged! My total focus was on our community and reaching out to get them to our local church. There were only a few of us but we were all committed to the cause and because of that I believe our efforts will be blessed and we will begin to see results! It's so easy to get our priorities out of balance and forget the mission. We often go through the motions every church service and it becomes routine. Never forget why we are here! Always put God first after all He is the one we aim to please! It's not about the music, outlines, schedules and perfection! It's about reaching people and showing them the one true living God. I am so tired of the same routine and I personally want to take time to reach the lost and dying world! I have a refueled passion and enthusiasm for outreach and in my opinion next to the preached word of God it is the most important area of the church. What is the c

Forgive, it's that easy!

Forgiveness is simple... Yet we make it so complex! In our mind we can understand that by forgiving someone or something we are in control & no longer give that emotion, person, or situation power over our life! However, our fleshly stubbornness prevents us from freedom! I heard a brave woman tell her story recently and for 20 years she allowed bitterness, shame, guilt, anger & the inability to forgive control her life. It was when she finally decided to let go and deal with her anger and forgive her perpetrator that she could live in happiness. This woman in my opinion had every right to detest her offender but no matter how serious the offense, without forgiveness the offended will live in bondage. Now, if a woman can forgive a man of rape; a humiliating, shameful, degrading, violent crime. Why is it not possible to forgive someone for having a loose tongue, being rude, correcting your child, gossip etc? Life is too short to give anyone so much power over your life th

The Power of Prayer

"If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and will heal their land" II Chronicles 7:14 This scripture is branded in my mind! As a child of God how can I not have a relationship with Him? I am going to quote an excerpt from a book I'm reading: "There is a sleeping giant in a lot of our homes, and the result is frustration, confusion, lack of victory, and general irritations. If we could learn the enormous force of power and victory that comes by praying each day, it would wipe away a lot of nasty tempers, gossipy tongues, heartaches, and broken dreams. There would be fused into our hearts and homes new goals, visions, dreams, and accomplishments. God wants to answer our prayers. He is waiting with thousands of angels to do our bidding" -Joy Haney Pray! When everything falls apart- Pray! When everything is perfect-Pray! Whe

I will not withhold

As parents we are constantly telling our children to do their best. Do your best in school. Do your best on your chores. Do your best in sports. Do your best on your appearance but when was the last time we pushed our children to do their best and achieve a higher success in church? I would rather watch my children sing in church, play instruments, teach, clean, preach etc. then I would watch them play sports in school, take every stressful AP class, or anything else that would take them away from doing Gods work. There is a song that says "if my sacrifice is less than giving you my very best help me remember Calvary's cost and be willing to say yes" I vow to myself, my husband, my children & my church to give all I have to give to God. Sacrifice is giving freely for the sake of something else. Our mission is bigger than "me"! We live in a "me society" and we are breeding our children to be that way when in fact we should be showing them how