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Showing posts from February, 2016

There is always beauty in the journey

4 years ago my husband & I lived in a loft apartment with a 5 month old and a 4 year old and started Pastoring...... Somewhere in the static, I blinked and here we are! Becoming a Pastor's Wife is one of the most rewarding jobs I could have ever ask for. My children have never know another life. It was a priority high on our list to make them part of the process. It can be common for a Pastor's Kid (pk) to eventually resent ministry because they feel it took their place. I have many wonderful women in my life that I glean from. The most recent lesson I have learned is, to let my children have ownership of the church by letting them be a part of praying for anyone in the church.  My oldest is naturally sensitive and he picks up on people hurting. We have really nurtured that quality in him and when he asks if someone is ok? I always tell him "We never truly know what a person deals with in their mind but we can always pray for them." Days later, I find him