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Showing posts from April, 2015

Growing Pains

When you move through stages of life you never fully comprehend how quickly they pass! I am a mom of 2 wonderfully energetic boys!  I feel like yesterday we enrolled our oldest in K-3 & now he's finishing his 1st grade year!! Our youngest will start K-3 in the Fall & I emotionally look at my memories with babies wondering if I'm ready to let go of that stage and move to the next? NO IM NOT READY..... But here we come! I jokingly made a goal in January that  NO MATTER WHAT , this 3 year old had to be Potty Trained by Summer Camps! I tried every bargaining trick in the book!  Then my Mother in law planned a trip to Sea World...  While we started planning, I told my son: " You have to use the potty & wear big boy underwear if you want to see SHAMU" I never thought he was listening but to my surprise he woke up the next day & said: " Mom, I want to ride the airplane & go to Sea World. Where are my underwear?" I was so excited & proud when

Life as we know it....

It's another day, take a deep breath, stretch and........ "MOM.... He took my Lego!" The Saga Begins! This is how many days start for most of us stay at home moms 😊 There are days I don't know how I'm going to make it. Where will my strength come from. I can find a prayer spot for a few minutes before I'm interrupted or I can try to study a bit in between chocolate milk runs, bathroom stops and toy fights. This is life as a mom & Pastor's Wife!  It's a wonderful life and I do it the best I can but unfortunately I'm an imperfect mess! There are days I wish I could crawl in a hole and start over because I epically failed my boys!  There are days I wish I had a Super Power or a cleaning fairy.  There are days I wish we could stay at the park all day and who cares if we miss our scheduled events. There are days I wish my husband had a better wife. This is the raw unfiltered truth of how your mental status can make or break the days you have. Don&#