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Showing posts from August, 2016

Darkness before Dawn

We all reach points in our life when we wonder what's next?? It's so important when you reach this pivotal point that you look to the sky and keep God in the complete center of your plans. My Pastor preached such a shaking message on Sunday where he reminded us that our plans may not be God's plans. If we continue moving forward with our personal ambitions without Jesus at the center of it all, we WILL fail! My point is, just because you are in what you consider a "rut" doesn't mean you aren't on the path God wants you. Even if this is the hardest season you've ever experienced and you hurt more than you ever thought you could; all you have to do is completely give your all to Him who knows all. Sometimes we assume just because we are having a hard time that God is out to get us. That's never the case! We are children of God and many times it is our own choices that put us in the spot we are. God may be setting you up for a blessing and we

The Toothbrush Encounter

"Home is where your husband is" .... This isn't just a quote that looks good on paper so we pin it to our LOVE board on Pinterest. I'm afraid that we live such digital lives that we don't really know who we are when we aren't staring at a screen. Do you ever look back at the quotes you share or the pins you save? Are you the same person on the world wide web as you are in reality? I absolutely love cards and love notes! I have to be mindful to follow through with my promises of love and happiness or my husband won't enjoy receiving my cards. I keep every card we exchange and every now and then I go to my "Love Box" and read what we've said to each other and it reignites a challenge in my soul to be better. I know without a doubt that God gave my husband to me so I want to make sure that I cherish him the way I am suppose to. I often remind myself of my vow from my wedding day. I didn't vow to love and cherish him only on